"Discover artisan roasted coffee - from the heart of Småland"

Welcome to your micro coffee roastery!

We are passionate about coffee and will spread the idea of fine coffee even on the countryside here in the beautiful Kingdom of Crystal. ♥

Opening hours in Lenhovda:
Thursday, Friday and Saturday 11:00-17:00

  • 15 sep 2024 10.00-17.00 MATrundan

Roastery Shop

You can buy our coffee here! Different varieties in different pouch sizes, also ground on request in the degree of grinding of your choice. There are also accessories for brewing coffee, cups, mugs, chocolate on offer and we also present a small "Gårdsbod" with high-quality products from other small local producers in the area.

Coffee Bar

Filter coffee, cappuccino, espresso, americano, tea?! What is your favorite drink? We prepare our freshly roasted coffee for you in our small coffee shop. There are always fresh biscuits or cakes to choose from.

Retro Café

Adjacent to our roastery you will find a small café where you can sit down and have a cup of delicious TADAH coffee in peace and quiet. We have collected beautiful things from the 50s, 60s and 70s over many years and have put them on show for you. Take a look around and immerse yourself in the charm of bygone times!

"Good things come to those who wait"

This statement applies to roasting coffee as well.


Roasting times vary between approximately
12 and 18 minutes.


Our coffee beans are roasted at a maximum of
200 to 220 degrees Celsius.


The hot roasted beans are cooled by air only.
Water cooling is not required.

Roast profiles
Full aroma potential is developed by means of applying roast profiles tailored to each type of coffee bean.

The combination of these methods guarantee
excellent, aromatic and delicious coffee!

What distinguishes the drum roaster from industrial roasting?

In the large industrial roasting plants coffee beans are shock roasted at over 400°C - sometimes in just 90 seconds.
In most cases, different types of often inferior quality beans are mixed before roasting. The coffee is then roasted extremely
hot and fast so not much remains apart from the burnt roasted aromas. Defined flavours are therefore generally not found in industrial coffee. An additional negative side effect with industrially roasted coffee: the chlorogenic acid in the coffee bean is not broken down. Thus giving the coffee a sour taste and making it less digestible for the stomach.


We only work with "speciality grade" coffee,
which means we only roast coffee beans that are produced
under excellent conditions for nature and producers!

What exactly is speciality grade coffee?

The short answer is: speciality coffee is a quality designation. The coffee must exceed a score of 80 out of a possible 100 points to be designated as a specialty coffee.

The long answer: there is no uniform definition, but the term was strongly coined by the SCA (Specialty Coffee Association).
After the harvest each coffee is rated by so-called Q-graders using an SCA cupping form. These Q-Graders can be compared to a wine sommelier and are certified experts. Coffee with a cupping score of 80 points or more are considered speciality coffees.
All our coffee at TADAH kafferosteri are rated with at least 80 points, often even more!

The classification according to the scoring procedure are as follows:

Total score

Quality classification

Speciality grade?


Speciality grade coffee


Speciality grade coffee
Very good
Speciality grade coffee
Commodity coffee
Not speciality grade coffee
Source: Specialty Coffee Association

We are burning for coffee! ♥

Who are we?

Julia and Michael - our passion is coffee! When we moved to Sweden in 2019 to settle down and turn our passion into a job, we had been visiting Sweden as tourists for many years and were particularly fascinated by the natural beauty of the Småland Kingdom of Crystal. This stretch of land offers so many forests, lakes, peacefulness – all this is perfect for us.
Now we can pursue our passion to roast coffee, taste coffee, brew coffee, mix new varieties, cup, experiment and meet new coffee friends and old acquaintances and together enjoy a cup of delicious TADAH coffee every day of the year!

In the past we often had problems with stomachaches and headaches when we drank industrially produced coffee. While looking for an alternative we came across "speciality coffee". This type of coffee - high quality beans plus artisan slow and low temperature roasting - was the solution for us. No more physical problems after driniking coffee and much better taste!

Why "TADAH"?

Customers often ask us what TADAH actually means? Very simple:

TA-DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Here comes the coffee!

It's just supposed to be a little funny.
Life is serious enough - time to have some fun and not take everything too seriously. It's just an exclamation that you're welcome to say with a smile while serving your friends or yourself a delicious cup of TADAH coffee!

To make the coffee choosing easier for you - and us - our coffee have unique names! Therefore you do not necessarily have to remember the country of origin, region, taste profile, etc. Nevertheless, you will find information about the respective coffee on the pouches so that you know what you are drinking. Enjoy your TADAH speciality coffee!