"Tabi" | Single origin kaffe

135 SEK

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✓ Frakt 59kr - Gratis över 499kr ✓ Leveranstid 3-5 dagar

Rekommenderad bryggmetod:


ALTITUD:  1.600 - 1.700 meter över havet

ABOUT TABI:  Tabi coffee was developed in Colombia by Cenicafé (the National Coffee Research Center)  in 2002It is a hybrid created by crossing three coffeevarieties: Typica, Bourbon, and Timor  Hybrid.The goal was to combine the high quality ofTypica and Bourbon with the diseasere sistance of the Timor Hybrid.  FRUIT FORWARD BERRY ENSEMBLE  Beautifully encapsulates a variety of berryflavor within a fruit - forward coffee profile,evoking  a diverse and hamoniousensemble of fruity notes.The art of producing a great fruit - for wardcoffee lies in achieving a balanced flavorprofile. While the fruitiness is the highlight, itis  harmoniously balanced with sweetness,body and clean finish. This is the mark ofskilled coffee  processing.  DETAILED PROCESS:  The Tabi variety is harvested using a different protocol. Cherries are not harvested at their op timum ripening point, but in semi-ripe stage, so that the oxidation process does not generate  intense femented flavors. The cherries are floated - washed with alcohol 85%) elominating  impurities.  FERMENTATION PROCESS:  Submerged fermentation for 12 hours in cherryin plastic bags. An oxidation process follows  for 24 hours in tanks.Depulp and anaerobic fermentation withmucilage during 48 hours.